Jinks A. Fussell (1929-2000)
Brother Fussell passed on to be in Glory on February 3, 2000. He was nearly 71 years old. As a teacher and minister of Brother Branham's Message for over 30 years, he was constantly confronted with topics of contention from within the Message. Because of these issues, Brother Fussell purposed to correlate what Brother Branham said into Quote Books, instead of relying on hear say and conjecture. His books were compiled from many of his teaching notes and studies. With the exception of the sermon book, Twentieth Century Sorcery, the books were intended to have minimal author's notations. This site is dedicated as a free online resource to believers who wish to access these Quote Books. TESTIMONY OF A TRUE WITNESS JEFF IN 61-1105 Knowing this, that when this life is over, we have a life on the other side, where we turn back to young people again, and we'll live in His Presence and His blessedness, for ever and ever. I trust that every precious mother in here, and every daughter, every son, and every father, will die in the Lord. "Even so saith the Spirit; for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." Some bright day we'll go and see them! Yes. |
A Tribute
Over the years my Dad had been buffeted by numerous ailments and afflictions. Through it all, he stood upon one Scripture that he often repeated: 2 Corinthians 4:17 "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;" Dad believed that, and rather than complain and languish away, he purposed himself in study of the Gospel and Message of Brother Branham. He was an accomplished student and teacher of the Word. It wasn't his style to make out as if he were a know-it-all. Instead he always treated others as he wished to be treated. He built others up, rather than put them down. He was compassionate, direct, and always helped anyone who came to him with a question or spiritual need. Mom and Dad were poor people, yet they gave all they could (sometimes to the point of breaking) to the little outreach ministry they started through correspondence overseas. My Dad's love of Brother Branham's message was legendary. Whenever the Lord gave him a bit of insight and revelation in the Word, he had to tell someone. He always reached out and shared his excitement with those closest to him. Sharing meant everything to him, and it seemed he was continually working on another little Quote Book to be mailed out. The apostle, Peter said, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have, give I thee" 'and such that Dad had,' he gave freely. What a legacy Brother Fussell has left behind... his tenacious devotion to not only the Gospel and the Message, but to all of you; his commitment to give all of you the very best that he had to offer. He left behind his wealth of study that he had been sharing, to even the humblest brother who he could reach overseas. This work was his life. Nothing made him happier than to talk about different issues Brothers from other countries brought up concerning the message. When faced with criticism, he had in him a personal courage which came forth like lightning from a cloud, and at other times he was unobtrusive and unnoticed. He was a true soldier of the Gospel. He knew where he stood... directly upon the promises of God's Word. He died with the resignation of a completed mission, and as passing a baton to one of his children, he left with the assurance that his work would continue on. During the short time he lived in our home, he was able to witness and oversee a picture unfold in front of him daily, of my wife and I, taking the same roles that he and mom had in this humble work of sending out Quote Books. On the day that Moses died on mount Nebo, he gathered around him his sons and daughters and all the children of Israel, and he placed in their hands the Book of the Law (the first five books of the Bible) then he told them: Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of the law. They are not just idle words--they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess. Dad placed in your hands, to take to heart, these same words of life, the same Gospel and Message that he represented. For they are Life to him today.
D Fussell